Industrial strength good news / random act of kindness
An editor who is a pop culture blogger posted this about me today
I'm basking and blushing!
If you've found this blog through her, welcome. Isn't she a terrific writer?
Amanda - thanks!
TCB art day - gesso'd a new canvas gray, and worked on the top of the chair. This painting is so incredibly satisfying to work on. I think I like the physicality of the gestures as well as the emerging images.

Worked on Venice Laundry the last two days - excruciatingly slow and tedious until I fall into it and then time elapses, my mind is quiet and absorption total - then it's pure pleasure.
Deliver the varnished Isle of Palm II to my gallery, Twinhouse, and had the thrill of watching it go straight into the window. I hope it finds a good home.