I got some paint on the violin and the rest of the rug yesterday, and did the foot warmer today. The foot warmer is round and brass with an embroidered padded lid. The lid is hinged and hot coals go inside. I've seen these in some old Dutch paintings; a woman sitting on her chair making lace, with her feet on just such a warmer.
The unexpected challenge - this is a linen canvas and with the gesso layer, it's like painting on glass - very, very smooth. Paint just skids. As soon as I have one layer down, the paint will stick to the paint, but for now it's the painting equivalent of ice skating for a novice. Every few brushstrokes I fall on my butt, so I have to proceed cautiously and use patience.
Oh my God! That looks beautiful. Geez, can't even think about the fact that it's not even done yet.