Added the tomatoes and the Kramer knife blade. First layer done except for the gold band on the plate. All about getting things placed right.
Another layer on everything, particularly the plate. Still not sure about the white background above the plate.
Next Wednesday I'm leaving on a month-long trip to London, Edinburgh, and York. It's part of my continuing art education. I made the executive decision not to start two of the big, more complicated paintings before I leave, since I have these to work on. Tomorrow I'll work on the Vampire Diaries knife, maybe do the drawing for Gripland.
I've been sketching in the morning, limbering up. When I'm on the road I mostly sketch, take photos and soak in the juice one can only get when standing right in front of works of art. I'll haunt the hallowed halls the National Gallery, the Tate, The Wallace Collection, etc. DOubt I
ll catch the bouquet, but you never know.